Friday, June 26, 2020

Tools of Evolution - Prayer

Nobody is a stranger to the word Prayer. Nobody really need to teach anybody how to pray. Because when one is in deep distress or in a utterly helpless condition, when all the doors appear to be closed with absolutely no hope, whether one believes or has faith in the Almighty Lord or NOT, what emanates through him/her naturally is Prayer. It is an deep inner cry of the nature inside to the Nature outside. That is exactly the time that Prayer happens and not done. Prayer must happen and Not done. This is an unconscious prayer.

Prayer can also happen consciously. Prayer is more an inner Attitude than an activity. Prayer refers to a state inside the heart when one feels utterly helpless; when one feels that he /she is small and Lord is SO Great; when one's heart is completely filled with vacuum, with love, with devotion, with purity.

Thus Prayer becomes a tool of connectivity with the Unknown, Almighty, Power whoever He is or whatever It is. It is a tool with which one develops a relationship with the Creator or the Lord or the Almighty Unknown Power. And mysteriously the help comes; the answer comes.

Prayer is NOT asking.

Prayer is waiting; Prayer is placing oneself as he/she is before Him, in the most humblest attitude. And whatever has to happen will happen. And whatever is NOT to happen will NOT happen. This kind of heart is a prayerful heart that has a possibility of attracting Lord's Grace. And if the heart is always in a prayerful state one would constantly be attracting His Grace.

Prayer is done consciously on many a occasion:

when one is utterly helpless to help himself/herself;

when one expresses deep gratitude to the Lord (Thanksgiving prayer);

when one prays for others.

Prayer establishes a relationship of Love with our Creator. One should approach the Lord with Love and not with a transactional attitude for the simple reason that He knows Best what is good for us; when to give and when not to give anything. Asking amounts to reminding Him His duties towards us.

Spiritually it keeps the EGO always humble. This single attitude of Humility eliminates a sea of problems that we suffer because of our Ego. And also simultaneously open up the higher possibilities that are available for human being to evolve.

Single Sincere prayer can make a difference across not only to the self and others around him/her, not only this whole Universe but affects the higher realms of Consciousness that we are not yet aware of. Prayer has the potential of changing the course of Nature also.

As we regularly practice Prayer in the right earnest, our attitudes our way of Prayer keeps on refining that we will not know almost that we are in prayer even. Leaving absolutely everything to Him and be in His intense remembrance without being conscious of what is being asked for or being prayed for. In fact we do NOT pray 'for' something, we JUST pray.

This is so profound that can only be experienced and can never be described.

Prayer and Meditation (another tool for our Evolution)

"Prayer is talking to God and Meditation is listening to God."

Prayer Connects to God and Meditation continues the prayerful state.

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