Logic is an intrinsic quality of human mind/intellect. Human being by default thinks logically, arrives at things rationally, what they call man is a rational being. Man studies everything in and around him with logic/reasoning and only then he accepts it as real. Logic is an instrument of perception. As we transcend logic perhaps intuition takes over to perceive the next dimension of Reality.
is an intrinsic quality of the Heart or Conscience. It is a source of direct
knowledge that needs no proof or reasoning. It does not depend on the
accumulated knowledge or experience unlike Logic. Being intuitive is the
quality of heart. The intuition in animals is called instinct. They are not
logical, but are instinctive in their behaviour. So in this material world
human being utilizes both the instruments of perception to navigate through
life with more and more refined understanding. But what is perceived through
intuition can be expressed with the help
of logic.
Reality is
what it is. Reality is beyond logic, beyond even intuition, beyond understanding.
It can only be experienced or felt only through transcending everything.
Human being
needs logic and intuition, both for a comprehensive experience of Reality. But
they are to be transcended. Logic cannot take us to Reality. But mysteriously Reality
stands to logic. Logic helps us to realize that it cannot take us beyond a point.
From there one needs to take-off and transcend into a different dimension. It is
with intuition that we perceive this higher dimension of Reality. And as one
progresses into higher and higher dimensions of existence, the intuition
appears to be getting more and more refined till it achieves the intuition of
the highest order.
In the
pursuit of Ultimate Truth, as Swami Vivekananda said, “we do not move from
error to truth, but we move from a lower truth to a higher truth.” That is why
it is called as the Ultimate Truth or Ultimate Reality. The Ultimate Reality is
First and all other things (mind, heart etc) came later. Hence the need for
transcending and human being has that capacity of transcending innate in him.
This is
expressed as longing or restlessness inn every heart/soul to get back to the
Source. One needs to yeld to this restlessness sooner or later. And Spiritual
Science says, it can be hastened consciously through Meditational practices
(such as Heartfulness) by which these tools of perception get progressively
refined and are finally transcended to experience the Transcendental Realities.
This continues till the Longing is absolutely satisfied perhaps, and that would
perhaps happen only when the soul merges into the Ultimate Reality finally.
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