Monday, January 29, 2024

A New Humanity - Daaji


A New Humanity - Daaji
Sunday, January 28, 2024, Kanha Shanti Vanam

Namaste everyone.
We are to embark on a new, a great celebration that will trigger a reinforcement of what our Hierarchies have been dreaming of—a new humanity. One cannot remain jailed in this human form. Transcend, become humane; then you already know the next step, which is Their responsibility, to become divine. Further, they promise from Divinity to Absolute. This is the journey of Sahaj Marg, our Heartfulness Way.
Babuji says: in order to prepare ourselves for that, all sincere seekers of Divinity, those who are really keen on transforming themselves, may become joyful, blissful carriers of spirituality and participate more intensely.

We begin with this: he says, insist with those abhyasis who are sincere and seeking to transform themselves as best as possible, without exerting too much, take a few individual face-to-face sittings with preceptors before the bhandara, starting today. One sitting today, two sittings tomorrow, and it goes on, even if you take sittings during the bhandara. Meditate, take more sittings, but don’t exert yourself to the point of exhaustion. One or two sittings a day is enough, half an hour only.
Before you do this exercise, try to study your inner spiritual state and your emotional state. Babuji also conveys: hang your miseries, your pain, on his shoulders. He says, I’m willing to take all your pains and miseries. Give them to me. Free yourself from all that. How will you do that? Is it as easy as saying, “Babuji, have these problems of mine?” Yes it is. Try it and see what happens.
I’m mesmerized by this message. That is Their generosity and that is Their promise, also. Thank you.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Inventure and Imperience


Inventure and Imperience

There are now two new beautiful additions to the Spiritual literature of the world and vocabulary, that more pointedly indicate all about spirituality - Inventure and Imperience

Spirituality is all about inner adventure which is now called Inventure, the word coined by Revered Master Kamlesh D Patel (known affectionately as Daaji), the Global Guide of Heartfulness Meditation. 

Spirituality is also all about the inner experience, that is now termed as Imperience again coined by a great philosopher and advanced Preceptor of Heartfulness Meditation. 

Adventure is so called, (generally means the external journey), because it is a journey taken up boldly to discover something we know not what; prepared or geared up to face any challenge that can happen on the way; the results can be thrilling and revealing; even the right goal is discovered as one moves on. Inventure is also exactly like that except that the journey is within the inner recesses of our mind and heart. There is a bottomless-pit within each one of us, full of challenges. The ONLY difference if at all is there is that there can be someone who invisibly facilitates this journey called Yatra; and this invisible help is called Guru. 

Spiritual imperiences are infinite and indicators of our movement, revelations and expansion of consciousness and thus result in the real spiritual evolution of the individual. 

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