Complexities & Impurities/Samskaras/Karma/Vasanas/Tendencies
Call by any name, they are the obstacles to our evolution;
they do not lie outside, they very much reside inside. They do not allow us to
be what we we ought to be. That is we are what we are. We are yet what ought to
be. They are all impressions made by us in the past, the whole of our past.
Yogic processes are the remedy for getting rid of these
things incrementally under a an able Master or Guru.
They are in huge volumes like mountains of Samskaras. There
is certainly a possibility of these Samskaras becoming zero.
And that is aim of a Spiritual process; to make it happen
here and now not after death.
Zero Samskaras is said to be the state of liberation.
Craving/Restlessness/Longing/Intense Desire/Spiritual
Thirst or Hunger
Again call by any name, it is innate and intrinsic to every
soul. The Soul longs very intensely, one knows NOT for what? The Soul is ever
restless. And this restlessness manifests in so many hues and colors, such as
being restless for earning money, power, knowledge, fame happiness etc. and assuming we gain all these
things, even then the soul is restless.
There is always some unknown deficiency that is felt. It is like a bottomless
pit. It is very challenging to quench its thirst, fulfill its hunger.
And so this search is ignited intensely at some point and we
try to purse this voice that has no language, it is a deep urge that cannot be
avoided and drives one to the intended goals.
Craving is great fuel to move forward in the field of
spirituality especially. What I understand is in other fields, all
accomplishments/failures are more or less the results of working out of our
Samskaras, called Bhog in Sanskrit.
It is ONLY in the spiritual quest, that the soul's hunger
seems to be little fulfilled, confirms that we are proceeding in the right
direction. But nevertheless the longing becomes more and more intense as one
feels apparently closer to the thing that is being craved for.
This quest has revealed all the scriptures that we have
today and more are being discovered/revealed; It appears to be an unending
But the pursuit of a spiritual process is something that is
fulfilling and makes one feel being getting closer and closer to the thing that
the soul is restless for.
How does the Craving for Reality begin?
It is intrinsic or innate character of every soul; some are
conscious and some are not. When we use this word Craving, it means a Conscious
How to increase the Longing?
It can trigger any time of the life; the sooner the better
as it is driving force or fuel for spiritual growth/evolution.
One can increase the longing by associating oneself with the
thirsty seekers either in person or through books, or serving humanity
voluntarily or any other method that occurs to the heart.
One cannot value Spirituality without Craving; and that is
why it cannot be forced on anyone. Food is valued only when one is hungry.
Pursuing a spiritual practice even mechanically on a daily basis also triggers
or invokes the unconscious Craving.
Craving for Reality in some is unconscious because one is
more engaged and busy with Samskaras.
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