All that one has to do in life after we are born till death is to Go On Doing. It is impossible to be alive on planet earth without doing, even for the laziest ones. Just going on doing "what we must do" has the potential to take us to Reality/God. To work out your past impressions or vasanas, you need to work; in health, work, in sickness, work; when you are happy work, when you are sad, work; when you are wealthy work, when you are a pauper, work; if you are a male work, if you are a female, work; if you are wise, work, if you are a fool, work; if you are weak, work, if you are strong, work. There is no situation to anybody that he has no work, if one is willing to.
All the Avatars have worked; all the Masters have worked and are still working; all the saints have worked and are working; all the Gurus have worked and still working. It is said that working continues even when one is liberated, or achieved the fulfillment of life. It now becomes a responsibility of highest order. And these people cannot rest till the LAST soul achieves its goal of life.
So, Life is just work, work, work. Just do, do, do. Just Go On Doing "what you must do"; and that is G-O-D.
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