Tuesday, July 13, 2010

VoIS, the Route-map and Compass of Life

VoIS is truly the route-map and compass for each one of us and unique to the individual to navigate successfully through Life. Every human being perhaps every being is endowed with this faculty but only the human being has the access to it to follow IT consciously. Other beings follow instinctively or unconsciously. Even human beings so called who have lost the access to this also follow this instinctively, in fact are made to follow this somehow. Each ones destiny is etched out in this and the more you have access to this and the more you believe this and follow the sooner the purpose of life is served. The average human being has a very faint access to this and so difficult to figure out what it has to say for us. As it is clouded by our head or mind or thoughts that makes the waters of VoIS muddy and hence the blurred vision or unclear vision. The only way is to sit in Meditatiom, quieten the mind wait passively till the muddy waters become clear and be guided by its map that is meant for us. Our quality of life is directly proportionately to the extent of access to this VoIS and the degree of will that we have to follow it. Each and every step that we have to take appears to be there in detail. The more we are with IT, the more we are established in IT (as it is very elusive), the sooner we are at the life’s destination. This is due to our conditioning of our minds and our tendency to cling to heads than hearts. The Heart is the residence of this VoIS. May everybody try to have the access of this and enjoy the journey and adventure of life.

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