Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Ego should facilitate the VoIS to rule and finally dissolve in it

Life of human being is nothing but the consequence of tug of war (Conflicts) between the ego and the VoIS in us. It is constantly happening every moment of our existence. The moments of peace the Being experiences, if at all are the moments when the VoIS prevailed. The Ego resists the VoIS when it should facilitate. The Ego has to be trained to facilitate the VoIS to rule us. This could be the best form of Ego that one can have. It is in Peace with itself and radiates Peace around it. This is a more rarefied, sublimated and refined Ego, that can be immensely productive. Ultimately it is said that even this dissolve in the VoIS or the real Self in us. The Ego is supposed to be the false self that creates all kinds of problems both for the self and also others.

This facilitation can happen if some time is exclusively spent on reflecting on itself and is directed on something higher than itself, everyday. However it does take time and does not happen overnight. But the possibility of happening overnight is also not ruled out in extremely rare cases. It is better we realize that one has to take refuge in this sooner or later. So why not here and now?

This is what spirituality or Meditation is all about. The self has to train itself in a certain way. Let us seek it and we shall find it. And thus make our lives sublime and fulfilled.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Let the VoIS rule our Being

To have access to the VoIS appears to be is easier said than done. Even if we have access, it appears difficult to abide by it. Even if we obey it, it is very difficult to have a sustained obedience to this voice in an uninterrupted fashion all the time 24 x 7. But the call of the VoIS is very demanding and will not allow us to rest till we allow it to prevail and rule every pore of our being. We only reap the benefits of listening to the brief spells of time that we listen to, if we listen at all. And those benefits can be immense. It is only left to imagination, what happens if we can allow it to prevail and rule us – bodily, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Humans can at least endeavor to offer minimum resistance to this VoIS to have a right kind of life, as one is ought to have. All efforts should be to ensure that there is ONLY one Voice inside each one of us, whether it is coming from the lips, or the throat or the mind or the heart, or the ego, or the brain, or from anywhere. And that should be ONLY - the VoIS. All our troubles and travails, joys and sorrows are there only to bring us back to this whether we know it or not. Our quality of our life is directly proportional to the degree of adhering to this VoIS. The sooner it is realized, the faster is the evolution of the individual.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Go On Digging deep into your self till you hear the VoIS

Everything that a human being undergoes is essentially prompting to do this digging deep into one’s own self, whether we like it or not. When we do not like, we are actually running away from that inner call from within. And one cannot afford to run away from it for long. The sooner we respond to this inner call, the better will our quality of life is. The quality of one’s life is directly proportional to the extent one responds to this inner call. As one begins to respond to it, it opens up more and more possibilities and lights up the path that one has to traverse in this life and perhaps in the hereafter also. All that one has to realize is to try to be aligned with this VoIS constantly.

This digging can happen naturally, if we are born with that state of consciousness or we have to go on practicing to dig deep into ourselves, utilizing all the circumstances, troubles and travails that we undergo that really contribute a LOT in this process of digging deep within. Comfort, luxury and the like rarely help one to go deep into ourselves. As we get in touch with deep VoIS, the wisdom dawns and progressively gets refined, and it is an infinite journey. This thing in a way rules one’s life, or rather should be allowed to rule one’s life. Because ONLY this knows the route-map of your existence.

Spirituality, as a science of going deep into one’s own self taught by an able Master can be a great catalyst in this process, if one gets access to such a One. The values that we practice or should be practiced, the character one should have, and the practices that we involve in to get to this, our food habits, discipline and all other things are nothing but attempts or preparations to align ourselves with this subtlest VoIS.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Minimize your -“self” to make the VoIS more audible

Now, we know that the VoIS is almost inaudible, it only speaks when one is in utter silence inside and outside. We can create conditions for creating silence external by shutting ourselves or going into a cave. But to achieve the silence inside that is full of noise, tremendously unregulated thought-traffic, intense emotions, pains pertaining to the external body-parts and internal body-parts, the intelligence, the past experiences, present experiences, thoughts of future, worries, even good thoughts etc., is an unimaginable task that can be undertaken by one’s own self. All these things make up the content of the superficial layer of our consciousness. This is just tip of the iceberg that we have inside. Added to this, we have as psychiatrists/psychologists say, the unconscious part of our being affecting our consciousness in it’s own way. And that is for most of us out of reach. Beyond this, they also say that there is something like "collective unconscious" that also affects our existence. This is the state of our "inside", collectively/crudely called as the – “self”. Beyond this lies this VoIS very deep in the core of our being. And that is the one which has everything about us to solve the problem of this life and the possible lives hereafter or the possible lives that we have already completed. It is said that if this “self” can be minimized, (if not eliminated/annihilated which is not possible) somehow then the VoIS can be audible and then the process of listening to it, understanding it and then practicing it should commence. The more the awareness of the VoIS, the more minimizing of the “self” happens mysteriously. Ultimately for this to happen, every human being is endowed with the necessary initial impetus that is needed to be with the VoIS. It rests upon us to continue with our efforts from the initial impetus that is bestowed. Let us realise the immensity of the task ahead and the urgency of taking it up with earnestness and work towards achieving the necessary balance that one should have in order to have a fulfilled existence on earth.

Friday, September 17, 2010

What prevents us from being what we MUST be from what we ARE

The question implies very directly that we are NOT what we must be; and there is something in us that is preventing us from being THAT we must be. Now, what is THAT, that we must be? It is perhaps only that which our VoIS wants us to be. And what is that prevents us from being THAT? Surely the not-VoIS part in us or the lower self. Life is a continuous tug-of-war between these two forces; one that takes us up and one that takes us down. In between, is this “I” that has to decide which side it has to take. And "I" is the deciding factor as to what we are. If “I” takes the side of the VoIS, it is moving towards the direction of what we must be. If it takes the other side, it is happy with what it is and perhaps going further down and pushing us to be not what we must be. The inexorability of the VoIS is that IT shall finally prevail, come what may. Because fortunately  it cannot be killed absolutely. Apparently that is what we find around us - that this VoIS is almost dead.

Therefore if the “I” decides consciously to be always on the side of the VoIS, “I” SHALL be what “I” MUST be. Now it is both simple and difficult. It is simple in the sense that all that we have to do is to just go by the VoIS. It is difficult, because first of all, we have almost lost the contact with this VoIS; and then we have to obey this; and because we also have to navigate through this world, it appears to be tough. However it should be heard, at least during critical and crucial matters.

As posted earlier, this becoming what we must be is a journey that must be consciously pursued; sustained by adhering to the VoIS; and involves traversing of various infinite layers of individual consciousness; that perhaps ultimately merges into the Universal Consciousness. May be that can be termed as that what we must be finally. Adhering to the VoIS should be an uninterrupted process that leads to the continuous progressive refinement of the individual. For those adhering to the VoIS, there is only the Present; no past and therefore there is ONLY the right future.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Know Thyself through the VoIS

There are two selves in us – called the lower “self” and the higher “Self”. The lower “self” is something that pulls against our evolution; always running after comfort, luxury and desires (the so called "success" in modern parlance) and the higher “Self” is something constantly tries to pull us higher, to engage us in higher thoughts, ideals and always behind the evolutionary forces. Life is an intense struggle between the two as one cannot avoid any of the two selves. It doesn’t take much effort to be with the lower “self” as we see majority of the people around us madly running after this so called “success”. But it takes considerable effort to be with this higher “Self” and pull on with life notwithstanding the apparently opposed kind of life around us. One who is somehow drawn into more towards this higher “Self” is the one who struggles most in the world. In a sense it is easy to be with It and in another sense it becomes very tough vis-à-vis the world around us. But these beings continue to incline towards this as they realize that though apparently it is a struggle, there is a profound strength gathering deep within and things that appeared too big to handle apparently start appearing small, insignificant and clear. It is this strength within, that keeps them going. Following this higher “Self” progressively reveals EVERYTHING about Thyself. And assiduously listening to the VoIS is something that facilitates Knowing the Self. Progressively dissolving of the lower “self” into the higher “Self” is the purpose of the presence of the VoIS. In fact the higher “Self” is the VoIS.

Friday, September 10, 2010

What is the right choice in life?

Life, it is said provides continuous opportunities, options, choices for us. How to choose the right option, or how to know the opportunity is right for us, whether we are making a right choice? It becomes easy to choose if there are two options and one is bad and the other is good. But if both the options are good, which is the right choice? And if the good options are in multiplicity to choose from, which one to go for? In short what is right choice for me? There is a possibility of confusion or you gamble and see for yourself how it works. But you may do it at the expense of so many things. Then what is the solution? The amount of confusion is directly proportional to the number of choices. Too many choices can generally lead to making a wrong choice. As human being gravitates to the wrong so easily. Some options if adopted work immediately for the good of us and some may have long term benefit. Some may be for our ultimate good. So it becomes a very complex process of arriving at selecting a right option using our own resources. And life is a series of moments and each moment is an option and we have to go for a right option. It amounts to the way we lead our life and what we expect out of our life, if at all. So again, what is the solution?

The possible solutions

When one is confronted with too many options in life, the situation demands NOT the intellect but wisdom to discriminate sharply. Sharper discrimination leads to choosing a clear option. There can be two possible solutions –
1) Taking life as it comes without thinking too much of what is good for us or what is not.
2) Accessing your deep VoIS and going by what it suggests for you.
3) Praying to be always in a "choiceless-situation" so that we never make a mistake of making a wrong choice.

In short, as said earlier, as life is a series of moments, our way of life is to be molded in such a way that our life is constantly guided by this VoIS  and NOT by our other resources such as intellect, knowledge, experience that are so limited in our sense. When listening to the VoIS becomes way of life, whatever choice we make becomes the right choice, though apparently it may look otherwise.

Monday, August 30, 2010

The presence of VoIS - the HOPE for humanity

Life is all about adjusting ourselves in terms of body, mind, emotions and forces visible and invisible in tune with this VoIS. It does not leave us until this is done. This is what we perhaps call the fulfillment of our life at the end. This can take any length of time or go on infinitely, for there can be no absolute end to this process. Spirituality is about this conscious process that speeds up this process and a Guru or a Master, a catalyst. Everything that opposes this instruction of VoIS in us has its own apparent consequences but ultimately converges to getting tuned to this. In other words, following this is inexorable though visible it may not appear so. So long as there is this VoIS, there is always the HOPE for this redemption of humanity in particular and this world in general.
The sooner we consciously take up this process the better for us individually and also for the welfare at the cosmic level. Following these values of all kinds, Character development, undoing of the personality as against personality development are nothing but fine tuning ourselves in alignment with this VoIS. May all rise to the occasion for the speedy evolution of the globe.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Get Re-Connected to the VoIS somehow

As VoIS is THE Guiding force within each one of us, it becomes impossible to be away from IT in a sense. All other faculties that should have been in tune with this VoIS have become not only out of tune, but appear to be to have almost lost the connection with the VoIS. This connection has to be restored or re-established somehow, at any cost. Till then the life is otherwise, and NOT Truthwise. The first step to achieve this, is to turn inward  start digging within. This being an unending process, demands perseverance, patience, hope, faith and the like. All this is digging is nothing but the retracing of our steps to the point from where we got deviated from the VoIS. And therefore patience. As we move on and on, towards the VoIS, the vision becomes clearer and clearer and thus our life is now a rightly-guided one. In this process, if one can come across somebody who is thoroughly established in the VoIS, he can be a great catalyst, if we are fortunate enough. All that has to be done to find such a one is to deepen the longing for help. And He will appear on the scene at an appropriate hour. One need not go searching after him, for we do not know how to choose. And this marks only the beginning of the real journey. 

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Live Life Inside-Out

Most of us live life outside-in if at all, in the sense all our thoughts are centred on the exterior of our being such as body, mind and emotions. There is a vital thing that governs all these things which we all ignore. But that doesn’t speak, only guides in Silence. Only in silence can we receive its guidance. Every soul should ultimately come back to this whether one likes it or not for guidance. When we begin to live life inside-out, it is then the right living in tune with the being happens. Because only that knows its purpose, all other voices are false which appear to us as real.
Assiduously following though apparently seems to be impossible, yet that is the only way to live life, in line with the cosmic plan of which we are all integral parts. It serves not only the individual purpose but also works unconsciously according the Divine plan. The more we are away from it, though it is not totally possible, the more we are delaying the Divine plans to happen for us in general and at individual level in particular. Blessed are they who follow this VoIS 24 x7. 

Friday, July 16, 2010

Anchor your Life on this VoIS

The most vital verity that exists in the conscious human being is this VoIS. One should anchor his/her life to this to be not carried away by the turbulent and fiery waves of this  Samsaara Sagara (The ocean of life). There should be a conscious effort to 'be' with this irrespective of the activity/activities that one is engaged in. This is very much a possibility for every human being who is sane. And that is what the lives of these great saints/personalities teach us. We are only to engage constantly a part of our mind to be with this VoIS somehow. This calls one for a habit of looking into our own selves. Meditation is a great aid in this, in that it teaches one to how to look inside as deep as possible. The deeper the sight that goes inwards, the clearer the vision. The vision becoming finer and finer is a sure sign of going ahead in life in a fulfilling way. Therefore anchoring to this can at least prevent the ship from losing balance. May the Almighty bless every human being with this ability and make the world a better place to live in.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

VoIS, the Route-map and Compass of Life

VoIS is truly the route-map and compass for each one of us and unique to the individual to navigate successfully through Life. Every human being perhaps every being is endowed with this faculty but only the human being has the access to it to follow IT consciously. Other beings follow instinctively or unconsciously. Even human beings so called who have lost the access to this also follow this instinctively, in fact are made to follow this somehow. Each ones destiny is etched out in this and the more you have access to this and the more you believe this and follow the sooner the purpose of life is served. The average human being has a very faint access to this and so difficult to figure out what it has to say for us. As it is clouded by our head or mind or thoughts that makes the waters of VoIS muddy and hence the blurred vision or unclear vision. The only way is to sit in Meditatiom, quieten the mind wait passively till the muddy waters become clear and be guided by its map that is meant for us. Our quality of life is directly proportionately to the extent of access to this VoIS and the degree of will that we have to follow it. Each and every step that we have to take appears to be there in detail. The more we are with IT, the more we are established in IT (as it is very elusive), the sooner we are at the life’s destination. This is due to our conditioning of our minds and our tendency to cling to heads than hearts. The Heart is the residence of this VoIS. May everybody try to have the access of this and enjoy the journey and adventure of life.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Bottomless pit deep within each one of us

There is a bottomless pit deep within each one of us, call it soul, higher self, spirit, Love, God, Presence, Divinity or even ‘X’. And its pull is inexorable. It is very demanding. You cannot run away from it at any point of time. Once you are aware, it pulls you more till you yield. Not yielding to it is misery that we experience. Men of all times have been trying to figure out, perhaps they have figured out. Some of them are trying to help others to cooperate with it to make our lives sublime and fulfilled. But it is certainly beyond the grasp of our finest faculties that the human being is endowed with. That is the very Source of our sustenance, Source of everything that is happening, happened and that is going to happen. It is something to which all other things in this being are supposed to be aligned with. Hypothetically, if every one of us somehow miraculously engaged in the business of aligning ourselves with It, there would be only that Presence all over. That would make the world a better place to live in.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Right Thoughts at Right Time

To navigate through life one needs to have right thoughts at the right point of time. Often human being fails because of wrong thoughts at the right time and also because of right thoughts at the wrong time. However wrong thoughts at the wrong time anyhow make things worse. How to achieve this if at all? This is where the need of inner silence comes through which the inner guidance comes.  It is inner silence as the voice is almost not audible and demands isolating yourself exclusively only to listen to this until it becomes the ruling entity in you. It is presently NOT because of our suppressing this whatever be the reason for that may be. This is the crux and the purpose of meditation. This is something that is in each one of us that knows the route map of our existence as to what we should do, where we should go, why we should do, how we have to do, what is that we have to do etc. Each of our existence is not without a meaning or a purpose. It is better we obey this voice whether we like it or not. Ultimately it prevails both at the individual level and at the cosmic level. Better gain access to this apparently still voice by any means possible for you, at the earliest to fulfill the very purpose of life.

Religion not opposed to Science

 Religion not opposed to Science "In the opinion of the house, Religion is not opposed to Science." I participated in the debate c...