VoIS is NOT the voice as such. It is the Silence that speaks as it were, it is the voice of silence as it were. But it is actually the stillness very deep within, the UTTER Silence within that is actually referred to. However there are other numerous voices inside us that are generally mistaken to be the so called inner voice. The physical body speaks to us from inside, each organ in it speaks to us from inside, various signals come from within such as thirst, hunger etc., that can be taken as voices. The mental system within speaks to us in the form of thoughts. The emotional framework speaks to us from inside in the form of various emotions that we undergo. Beyond all this noise is this VoIS residing deep within, absolutely far beyond the reach of all these voices. Meditation can be the ONLY tool that can reach out to this.
To get access to this deep still VoIS within is not easy and once we have this access to it, to hold on to it is not easy, and once we hold on to it, to deepen it is not easy as it is likely that we may stay only on the surface. As it is a some sort of bottomless pit within, the journey never ends. But it is this that guides us precisely in our endeavors. This is the thing that ultimately prevails whether we like it or not. It defines our living on earth and elsewhere. Thus the need to comply with it cannot be overemphasized.