Saturday, October 23, 2010

Go On Digging deep into your self till you hear the VoIS

Everything that a human being undergoes is essentially prompting to do this digging deep into one’s own self, whether we like it or not. When we do not like, we are actually running away from that inner call from within. And one cannot afford to run away from it for long. The sooner we respond to this inner call, the better will our quality of life is. The quality of one’s life is directly proportional to the extent one responds to this inner call. As one begins to respond to it, it opens up more and more possibilities and lights up the path that one has to traverse in this life and perhaps in the hereafter also. All that one has to realize is to try to be aligned with this VoIS constantly.

This digging can happen naturally, if we are born with that state of consciousness or we have to go on practicing to dig deep into ourselves, utilizing all the circumstances, troubles and travails that we undergo that really contribute a LOT in this process of digging deep within. Comfort, luxury and the like rarely help one to go deep into ourselves. As we get in touch with deep VoIS, the wisdom dawns and progressively gets refined, and it is an infinite journey. This thing in a way rules one’s life, or rather should be allowed to rule one’s life. Because ONLY this knows the route-map of your existence.

Spirituality, as a science of going deep into one’s own self taught by an able Master can be a great catalyst in this process, if one gets access to such a One. The values that we practice or should be practiced, the character one should have, and the practices that we involve in to get to this, our food habits, discipline and all other things are nothing but attempts or preparations to align ourselves with this subtlest VoIS.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Minimize your -“self” to make the VoIS more audible

Now, we know that the VoIS is almost inaudible, it only speaks when one is in utter silence inside and outside. We can create conditions for creating silence external by shutting ourselves or going into a cave. But to achieve the silence inside that is full of noise, tremendously unregulated thought-traffic, intense emotions, pains pertaining to the external body-parts and internal body-parts, the intelligence, the past experiences, present experiences, thoughts of future, worries, even good thoughts etc., is an unimaginable task that can be undertaken by one’s own self. All these things make up the content of the superficial layer of our consciousness. This is just tip of the iceberg that we have inside. Added to this, we have as psychiatrists/psychologists say, the unconscious part of our being affecting our consciousness in it’s own way. And that is for most of us out of reach. Beyond this, they also say that there is something like "collective unconscious" that also affects our existence. This is the state of our "inside", collectively/crudely called as the – “self”. Beyond this lies this VoIS very deep in the core of our being. And that is the one which has everything about us to solve the problem of this life and the possible lives hereafter or the possible lives that we have already completed. It is said that if this “self” can be minimized, (if not eliminated/annihilated which is not possible) somehow then the VoIS can be audible and then the process of listening to it, understanding it and then practicing it should commence. The more the awareness of the VoIS, the more minimizing of the “self” happens mysteriously. Ultimately for this to happen, every human being is endowed with the necessary initial impetus that is needed to be with the VoIS. It rests upon us to continue with our efforts from the initial impetus that is bestowed. Let us realise the immensity of the task ahead and the urgency of taking it up with earnestness and work towards achieving the necessary balance that one should have in order to have a fulfilled existence on earth.

Religion not opposed to Science

 Religion not opposed to Science "In the opinion of the house, Religion is not opposed to Science." I participated in the debate c...